Submit to Sunshiner


The Sunshiner is the newsletter of Overeaters Anonymous Ottawa District Intergroup. We are looking for submissions as to themes, personal stories, special events, and articles relating to OA.

The focus should be on OA. References to other Twelve Step programs and outside support are considered outside issues and cannot be published.

Please email your submissions to with “Sunshiner Submission” as the subject line.

All submissions must be signed and when published will appear with first name and last initial, unless you state “I wish to remain anonymous” in your email. Your anonymity will be respected.

The opinions expressed are those of the writer, not those of Ottawa District Intergroup or of OA as a whole. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Upcoming issues and deadlines

IssueDeadline for submissionsTheme
SummerJune 21st, 2024The HOW of the program (Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness)
FallSeptember 21st, 2024Back to basics
WinterDecember 19th, 2024Hope