e-Banking Option for 7th Tradition

Tradition Seven states that “every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” Face-to-face meetings have been cancelled for a number of months now, however, the World Service Office (WSO), Region 6 and the Ottawa District Intergroup (ODIG) continue to operate. To continue supporting OA financially, it has been suggested that for every virtual meeting attended, members could put their usual donation into an envelope and donate it to the group when face-to-face meetings resume.

In response to a request for an alternative method of donation, ODIG has set up an e-Banking option to enable groups to e-Transfer their 7 th Tradition donation to the ODIG Treasurer who will then deposit the funds directly into the ODIG bank account.

Procedure to follow to e-Transfer 7 th Tradition funds to ODIG:

1. Groups are asked to select one person in their Group (i.e. Treasurer) to act as the contact point with ODIG. ODIG recommends that the person chosen to have 6 months continuous abstinence. However, Group conscience dictates the amount of abstinence.
2. Group members make donations directly to their Group Treasurer.
3. Group Treasurers e-Transfers to the ODIG Treasurer the accumulated 7 th Tradition funds as follows:

a. Email the funds to this email: treasurer@oa-ottawa.ca
b. Contact ODIG Treasurer at the email above for the Security Question and Security Answer to use.
c. In the Message to Contact field, enter the Group name and date/time of the meeting. Identify how the funds are to be distributed, e.g. 60-30-10 (60% to ODIG, 30% to WSO, and 10% to Region 6) or whatever distribution the group designates. If the Group wishes to donate all the funds to ODIG, indicate 100% ODIG. If no distribution is indicated, all funds will be allocated to ODIG. 4. The email you receive from your bank, confirming when the e-Transfer deposit is complete, is the official receipt of the donation. Print or save this confirmation for your records.

If you have any questions or concerns or need help setting up your e-Transfer access, please address them to the ODIG treasurer at the email above.