What is Intergroup?

 Intergroup is a service body that exists to support the local groups it serves in their mission to help the compulsive eater who still suffers.  Click here for more information.

Ottawa District Intergroup Board

Vice Chairvicechair@oa-ottawa.ca
Region 6 Repregion6@oa-ottawa.ca
WSBC DelegateVacant
Committee Chairs
PI/PO (Public Information/Professional Outreachpipo@oa-ottawa.ca
12th Step Within12stepwithin@oa-ottawa.ca
Sponsor Listsponsors@oa-ottawa.ca
Intergoup Liaison
Intergroup Liaison – Outaouaisfrench_liaison@oa-ottawa.ca

Ottawa District Intergroup Business Meetings are held virtually on the 4th Saturday of each month (2nd Saturday in December) 10:30 to 12:15 am . All members are welcome. Click here for the link.

GROUP REPS: If your group is contributing to Intergroup using a cheque, please make it payable to:     Ottawa District Intergroup

Intergroup Mailing Address & Phone
Westgate Postal Outlet
P.O. Box 35036
1309 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON, K1Z 1A2
Phone: 613-820-5669